FRAGOLTHERM® X-40 - Rodun International B.V.



Heat transfer fluid from -60°C to 120°C / 200°C. FRAGOLTHERM® X-40 is a heat transfer fluid based on polydimethylsiloxane that is used in baths for a temperature range of -60°C to 120°C and in other open systems with contact with the atmosphere as well as closed systems without an influx of oxygen at temperatures of -60 °C up to 200 °C.

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Heat transfer fluid from -60°C to 120°C / 200°C. FRAGOLTHERM® X-40 is a heat transfer fluid based on polydimethylsiloxane that is used in baths for a temperature range of -60°C to 120°C and in other open systems with contact with the atmosphere as well as closed systems without an influx of oxygen at temperatures of -60 °C up to 200 °C.

The maximum permissible film temperature is 220°C.

Technical information

Maximum bulk temperature

Maximum film temperature

390°C (735°F)

Product Normal Boil Point

309°C (590°F)

Product composition

Hydrogenated terphenyls and biphenyl/diphenyl oxide

Pressurised Systems/HTF


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