MARLOTHERM® XC - Rodun International B.V.



Marlotherm® XC, is an excellent synthetic organic heat transfer fluid, designed for use in the liquid phase in a closed system with forced oil steam circulation.

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Marlotherm® XC, is an excellent synthetic organic heat transfer fluid, designed for use in the liquid phase in a closed system with forced oil steam circulation.

Because of its wide application range between -90 and + 153°C in pressureless circuits and its superior physical and thermal properties in this temperature range, Marlotherm® XC is best equipped for many heat transfer processes. Heating and cooling circuits can work simultaneously with this medium.

Marlotherm® XC pressurized systems suitable for temperatures above 153°C. The maximum operating temperature corresponds to a boiler outlet temperature of 300°C and the film temperature must not exceed 320°C.

Technical information

Maximum bulk temperature

Maximum film temperature

390°C (735°F)

Product Normal Boil Point

309°C (590°F)

Product composition

Hydrogenated terphenyls and biphenyl/diphenyl oxide

Pressurised Systems/HTF


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